Associate Professor Jerzy Józwik, PhD (Eng.), DSc
NAWA project entitled “Supporting the institutional capacity of Polish universities through creation and implementation of international study programs” (no. POWR.03.03.00-00-PN16/18), implemented under Measure: 3.3 Internationalization of Polish higher education, Operational Program Knowledge Education Development.
Decision number: PPI/SPI/2020/1/00011/DEC/01
Agreement number: PPI/SPI/2020/1/00011/U/00001
Duration of the project: 18 months (September 1, 2021–February 28, 2023)

The primary objective of the project is to develop a new intensive international education programme for foreign undergraduate students and doctoral candidates. This attractive intensive international education programme can be implemented in a remote and stationary formula (blended learning), which will allow for the internationalisation of the Lublin University of Technology.

The key objectives of the project in terms of internationalisation include:
- creating an attractive international education programme with a high degree of impact in terms of acquired skills and innovative forms of knowledge transfer,
- establishing long-term contacts with foreign research institutions to promote the intensive international education programme among students, doctoral candidates and staff, and to strengthen the existing contacts, which will have a positive impact on the development of international teaching and research cooperation,
- increasing the number of available study programmes in English, with classes conducted by instructors from Poland, abroad and industry,
- using teaching tools for CNC programming which meet international standards,
- developing a system for the recruitment of foreign students that will serve as a basis for further implementation of training programmes within the intensive international education programme,
- increasing the interest of foreign students and doctoral candidates in the LUT’s education programmes,
- using blended learning to make the intensive international education programme more accessible to large groups of students.
The implementation of the project will result in increased professional competitiveness, higher quality of education, and promotion of Poland as a country offering interesting educational and research opportunities.
The trainings will cover the fundamentals of programming CNC machine tools with Heidenhain control, including:
- system installation and configuration,
- modes of operation: manual operation and electrical handwheel, positioning with manual data input (MDI), programming, test run, programme run,
- working with the file manager PGM MGT, creating a new directory, creating a new file,
- defining a workpiece blank: rectangular, cylindrical, rotationally symmetric,
- absolute and incremental programming,
- approaching and departing a contour (APPR, DEP),
- path contours – Cartesian coordinates: straight line L, inserting a chamfer CHF between two straight lines, corner rounding RND, circle centre CC, circular path C, circle CR with defined radius, circle CT with tangential connection,
- subprogram and program section repeats LBL SET, LBL, CALL,
- cycle definition and tool compensation DL, DR,
- contouring with incremental data,
- defining linear movement with polar coordinates,
- defining circular movement with polar coordinates,
- active coordinate transformations e.g. mirroring, zero point shift, rotation and scaling,
- Cartesian and polar patterns,
- fundamentals of cycle programming,
- fundamentals of CNC machine operation,
- checking the position of the workpiece blank or reference point in the machine’s working space,
- setting up tools,
- entering tool data into the tool table,
- selecting tools and tool changer
- measuring tool compensation with tool probe,
- clamping the workpiece,
- measuring the workpiece zero point with workpiece probe,
- starting machining programs,
- measuring the finished workpiece geometry with workpiece probe.